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Safe Gains

Writer's picture: Madinah Slaise, MSN, RNMadinah Slaise, MSN, RN

Affectionately dubbed “The Granddaddy of US Fitness Facilities,” The Boston YMCA first introduced Americans to multipurpose fitness centers in the 1850s. Within decades, pilates aficionados benefited from the ingenuity of pioneering fitness enthusiasts and personal trainers who galvanized the movement. New York studios served as the national hub for training as the practice gained adoration amongst the well-heeled society.

According to Stephen Tharrett of Les Mills, “In 1947, Vic Tanny introduced middle-class America to a new club model, one that pioneered the concept of a facility for men and women (offering alternate day workouts).” By 1969, the first club designated solely for female clients was founded by self-proclaimed gym rat, businesswoman, and entrepreneur Lucille Roberts. If reading between the lines of innovation, the gender segregation blueprint was integral to models constructed by early designers.

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Women and men were finally encouraged to work out within a shared space by the late 1970s with the emergence of group aerobics, Jazzercise, and bodybuilding competitions. As a result, gender-neutral fitness centers rapidly evolved into the regional franchise locations that populate neighborhoods today and process an estimated 60 million client memberships annually.

Despite its gangbuster leap into the American way of life, complaints of sexual harassment (SH) and predatorial behavior in some fitness centers have blemished a once stellar industry. Notably, gym employees have also reported experiencing the detrimental effects of SH, but the perpetrators may prove surprising. Frontiers in Psychiatry researchers studied the frequency of experiences of SH among fitness instructors noting that “30% of 211 women and 22% of 59 men” were subjected to unwanted advances from customers during personal training sessions.

Do you enjoy virtual fitness training?

  • A. Yep, I sure do.

  • B. No, it isn't the same.

  • C. It's cool every now and again.

Stopping SH, stalking, and bullying in gyms requires systemic countermeasures by which affiliates and employees are expected to comply. Diving into the community rules of behavior before signing a membership contract affords an opportunity to assess the safeguards that keep clientele protected. Carefully weighing the testimonials shared by both online critics and proponents may provide insight into the workout culture. Facility day passes incentivize potential customers to visit gyms while avoiding the yearlong commitment, which is an excellent opportunity to determine if the atmosphere is a good fit for your family.

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