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Striped Out

Writer's picture: Madinah Slaise, MSN, RNMadinah Slaise, MSN, RN

The exact reason why zebras have stripes has been the subject of scientific debate for several years. Among the more popular theories is the belief that the distinctive pattern camouflages the equids in their natural habitat comprised of various species of grasslands and open savannas. In addition, proponents of the predation avoidance philosophy assume that the black-and-white stripes disrupt the silhouette of the zebra's body while grazing in vegetation, thereby confusing predators.

Why Zebras Wear Stripes

Predation Avoidance Theory:

The stripes serve as a form of camouflage, making it challenging for lions and hyenas to single out individual zebras from a distance. A series of optical illusions created by bold black-and-white stripes may disrupt the predator's ability to identify particular prey within a group.

Social Function Theory:

Some researchers argue that the distinct coat plays a role in social communication among zebras. For example, the stripe patterns on each equid may act as individual identifiers, helping them recognize one other within the herd. The contrasting designs could also represent a visual signal for group cohesion, allowing zebras to remain together and deter potential predators.

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Temperature Regulation Theory:

What if the core body temperature of zebras were regulated by their pronounced stripe coats? Novice equinologists believe that the black-and-white pattern facilitates air currents of different temperatures along the zebra's body, which may aid in cooling. Animals maintain their body temperature within a specific range through thermoregulation to ensure optimal physiological performance.

In February 2023, an article published by the Journal of Experimental Biology reported that the striking, contrasting coat is more "effective in thwarting horsefly attacks" as compared to "a uniform coat of the same luminance." According to the research team led by Tim Caro, the thin black zebra stripes create an unfavorable landing target for tabanids (horseflies) and free-flowing biting flies that harbor diseases.

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Researchers can gain insights into animal behavior, visual perception, and camouflage strategies by unraveling the mechanisms behind the deterrent effect. In addition, studying the genetic, ecological, and environmental factors that influence the development and maintenance of zebra stripes may contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary process. Such findings have broader applications in the fields of biology, ecology, animal behavior, and visual perception.

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