08/24/23 | Update:
I’m sad to say that the hunt has been called off and FedEx has deemed my package lost.

Ouch. Next, I received a short email:

I'm grateful for the assistance provided by Attorney General Ferguson's team in our quest for answers. It hasn't been easy battling a corporate giant, and it's nice to know that my voice matters.
This ending...
A. Is hard to hear, Sis
B. Isn't the end. It will pop up on Ebay.
C. What happened?!
08/21/23 | Update:
I received the following email from the Washington State Attorney General's office on behalf of FedEx. What do you think about the information that the organization requested?

My response:

This correspondence occurred on 17 August, and I'm hopeful that my lost trunk is one step closer to coming home. More information forthcoming...
08/16/23 | Update:
We received notification from our complaint filed with the Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson. Here's a summary of the message:
Bob Ferguson
Consumer Protection Division - Consumer Resource Center
800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000, Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 464-6684
August 15, 2023
RE: FedEx Customer Relations and FedEx - Memphis
File #: (Redacted)
Dear Mrs. Slaise:
Thank you for contacting the Consumer Protection Division of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office. Consumer complaints provide valuable information that our office uses to identify patterns of unfair or deceptive practices that may warrant enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act.
The complaint you submitted to our office regarding FedEx Customer Relations and FedEx - Memphis was reviewed and determined to be appropriate for the informal complaint resolution services offered by our Consumer Resource Center.
Informal Complaint Resolution Process:
The process takes approximately four to six weeks to complete. A copy of your complaint was sent to the business(es) with a request to provide our office with a response within 21 calendar days. If a response is received, you will be notified and a copy of the response will be provided to you. If our office has not received a response from the business(es) within 14 calendar days, a courtesy reminder will be sent to the business(es) reminding them that their response is due within the next 7 calendar days. If the business(es) do not respond to our request, our office cannot compel the business(es) to respond.
08/11/23 | Update:
Today I filed an official complaint with the Washington State Office of Military and Veteran Legal Assistance (OMVLA), which is reported to help veterans, service members, and their families who have non-criminal legal problems. Next, we contacted the administration of Washington State‘s most senior Senator Patty Murray who is a stalwart advocate for Veteran’s rights. I’m remaining hopeful that Senator Murray will answer the call for justice and accountability during a time when “Thank you for your service” feels more like lip service than a call to action/assistance.
I’m deflated by the notion that, to date, I haven’t received so much as a digital nod from Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, or her administration, following my request for help. As a disabled Veteran who served on active-duty status in both the US Army & Air Force, I know what its like to be looked over, counted out and snubbed. But experiencing such dismissive treatment from a fellow Veteran is particularly disheartening.
08/09/23 | Update:
#Fedex has yet to respond or provide an update on the internal investigation to locate my lost package x 30+ days. Today, I arrived at the realization that #fedex is too big to fail, or care about my service to our country (US Army + Air Force). I’m asking you, Citizen Soldier, to help locate and return my life’s work for a generous cash reward.
This is a first-come, first-earned opportunity with one sole disbursement of funds.
MSM Terms & Conditions Apply:

08/06/23 | Update:
Unfortunately, FedEx has yet to respond or provide an update on the internal investigation to locate my missing US Army & Air Force decorations. Several telephone requests were met with a “don’t call us, we’ll call you” response from ”Escalation Team” representatives, with no resolution in sight.
In response to this injustice and continued mistreatment, I have contacted the offices of US Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, who is also a decorated combat Veteran that fights for retired service members. I’m hopeful that the Duckworth administration will respond to the call and offer the accountability that FedEx has consistently lacked. More information forthcoming.
08/04/23 | Update:
Attn: Internet Sleuths
On 26 June 2023, FedEx lost my US Army + Air Force decorations, and hall-of-fame basketball memorabilia. Help locate and return my package for a cash reward! This is a first-come, first-earned opportunity with one sole disbursement of funds.
MSM Terms & Conditions Apply:

08/03/23 | Update:
Nikki - a FedEx Administrator from the LaGrange, IL station - phoned and we shared a spirited conversation regarding the status of my missing footlocker. Apparently, she was contacted by a FedEx district leader via email about the stolen item, but was given very little information or details. The following is a reenactment of the disheartening telephone exchange.
Additionally, I contacted the so-called FedEx "Escalation Team," and they could not provide an update concerning the status of the investigation or whereabouts of my stolen military decorations and athletic memorabilia. To date, I have yet to receive any correspondence from the FedEx executives that were emailed on LinkedIn, despite individuals viewing my profile after the message was transmitted. How do I know that at least one of the "Big Wigs" are privy, yet ignoring my concerns? See for yourself:

The FedEx mission statement alleges that "Customer requirements will be met in the highest quality manner appropriate to each market segment served." In my opinion, the organization has fallen short of their duties and obligations.
Will you help me fight for justice?
A. Yep! I'm sharing this now.
B. No, I can't.
C. FedEx lost my package also!
08/01/23 | Update:
Today I received the following voicemail from a FedEx investigation representative:
In response to the disappointing message, I immediately created a LinkedIn account to contact several members of the FedEx board of directors in addition to regional FedEx managers. Executives have been apprised of the current injustice via LinkedIn email.
07/28/23 | Update:
A FedEx investigation representative - provided notification that “Things are sent to a holding facility and it differs for the amount of time they’re held. I wouldn’t be able to give you a definite time that if it isn’t claimed, it will be destroyed. I don’t know exactly what the criteria is for those particular things.”
In other words, the clock is ticking before a lifetime of my military and athletic honors are destroyed. It’s also worth mentioning that I asked Carol for the holding facility address in an attempt to personally retrieve the footlocker, but FedEx representatives will not provide location information to customers. #fedupwithfedex
07/28/23 | Original Story:
FedEx, also known as Federal Express, is a global courier delivery services company. It was founded in 1971 by Frederick W. Smith and is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. The company is renowned for its reliable and efficient delivery services, providing a wide range of transportation and logistics solutions worldwide.
According to a FedEx representative, the company offers rent free storage for up to 30 days before returning your package to the original pick-up address. The truth is, FedEx ultimately destroy shipments that are lost in their secret web of holding facilities. How do I know this? Because It's happening to me.
My FedEx experiences have been..
0%A. Hmm, not that great.
0%B. Mostly fantastic!
0%C. It depends on the day.
In early July, I logged onto the FedEx website and scheduled a pick-up (Chicago, Zip: 60643) & delivery (Seattle, Zip: 98101) of my military footlocker for July 26th, 2023. The pleasant FedEx courier retrieved the package in Chicago as planned but failed to verify the most crucial detail. A shipping label was not affixed to the container, yet the driver was not deterred. He loaded the unlabeled parcel into his white truck and cruised onto the next residential stop.
To his credit, the FedEx agent was none the wiser that the foot locker housed my military decorations, awards, and honors from decades of service to our country. Nor was he aware that my most cherished memories from a hall-of-fame basketball career resided in the parcel.
It's worth mentioning that lost packages are relatively rare occurrences considering the vast number of shipments FedEx handles. However, if a package goes missing, reporting it promptly, providing the necessary information, and maintaining open communication with FedEx to ensure a resolution is essential. After implementing the abovementioned strategies, I received notification that tracking my parcel was virtually impossible. Why? Because - you guessed it - the package does not have a shipping label. Imagine contacting customer service to report a lost item that is nearly untraceable; save a retrieval receipt.
As a result, FedEx representatives informed me that the item would be returned to the original pick-up address in approximately 3-4 weeks. Do you believe that the company is "storing" my shipment, at no charge, for roughly one month before delivering the item back to its original destination? Trust me, they are not.
Please help me get the word out to right this wrong before it’s too late by posting the following message on your socials:
- (Begin Message) -
FedEx Loses Veteran’s Decorations
My friend - Madinah Slaise - honorably served in both the US Army & US Air Force, she’s also a hall-of-fame basketball player. Similar to most Veterans, she stored her military decorations and sports memorabilia with a relative - in a black footlocker - during overseas tours and CONUS assignments. On 26 June 2023, Madinah scheduled a FedEx pickup to have her footlocker shipped from Chicago to Seattle. The FedEx delivery driver retrieved the footlocker in Chicago without a shipping label, and now the trunk is missing at an undisclosed FedEx holding facility. The company will not provide the location of holding facilities to customers for package retrieval.
Despite repeated attempts to contact FedEx for resolution, on 28 July 2023, Madinah was notified that the company will soon “destroy” her unlabeled shipment that is housed at their secret holding facility. Decades of both military and athletic history will be obliterated due to an error on FedEx’s behalf.
She’s asking for the public’s help to assist with righting this error before it’s too late. #fedupwithfedex
Learn more here: https://www.madinahslaisemedia.org/post/fedex
- (End Message) -
Thank you for joining me in the fight for justice!
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